We are looking for participants to take part in in a 10-week strength and conditioning study, we will be investigating the effects of a 10 week strength & conditioning program on punching and kicking impact power.

We are looking for interested Male kickboxers/MMA/Maui Thai fighters aged over the age of 18 years to become involved in this study,
– You will be required to attend laboratory based testing sessions where we will measure your strength and explosive speed, punching and kicking force, power and speed.
– After which, you will then attend 2-3 strength and conditioning sessions per week for a total of 10-weeks, before a final testing to see if you have improved.

The study will be running this in parallel with one in Queensland overseen by Luke Delvecchio from CQUniversity Rockhampton.

If you are interested Please email me – coach@warriorperformance.com.au with your details.